

Dori Tauco Medan: Medan-Style Sliced Fried Dory in Preserved Soy Bean Sauce

A Medan-style fish dish of fried dory slices glazed in a sauce of preserved fermented soybeans, dark soy sauce, chillies, and tamarind paste.

Pisang Owol: Pan-Fried Banana in Butter and Chocolate Condensed Milk

Pisang Owol is a sinful treat from Solo. A banana is pressed, fried in butter, then lathered with chocolate condensed milk and sprinkles.

Pecel Sayur: Vegetables in Javanese Peanut Sauce (Vegan)

A traditional and very important Javanese dish. A salad of lightly-blanched vegetables, doused in a spicy-sweet peanut gravy.

Gulai Cumi Bunting: Padang-style ‘Pregnant’ Squid

A Padang-style gulai dish (a spicy coconut curry). Each squid is stuffed with tofu and egg, and then simmered in the gulai gravy until tender.

Ayam Goreng Lengkuas: Galangal Fried Chicken

A unique fried chicken dish from West Java. Here, the chicken is simmered in spices, deep fried, then topped with galangal floss.

Bistik Daging Kambing: Lamb ‘Steak’, or Soy Sauce Lamb

Bistik is an Indonesian adaptation of ‘beef steak’, made by braising meat in a soy sauce gravy that’s later reduced to form a thick sauce.

Sambal Pecel: Peanut Sauce with Lime Leaves and Kencur (Vegan)

A spicy peanut-based sauce that’s creamy and slightly tart, enjoyed with a boiled vegetable salad (pecel) and as a dip for fried snacks.

Jus Alpukat: Avocado Juice

A hugely popular dessert drink in Indonesia. It’s essentially a shake made from avocados blended with milk and ice - healthy and filling.

Coconut and Turmeric Grilled Chicken

Simple grilled chicken - the marinade consists largely of coconut milk and turmeric. The chicken is cooked in sauce and then grilled.

Sambal Rebon: Dried Tiny-Shrimp Sambal

A sambal made of dried super-tiny shrimp, or rebon. Here, rebon is fried with shallots and chillies to give a crunchy, spicy condiment.
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