

Sayur Asem: Sour Tamarind Soup with Vegetables and Beef Trimmings

A common sour vegetable soup with a refreshing tamarind broth, originally from the Jakarta area. This recipe gives sayur asem a beef twist.

Rawon: East Javanese Beef Stew with Keluak

Rawon is a rich beef stew from East Java. This recipe calls for keluak, which gives the dish its distinctive black colour.

Peach Gum Dessert Soup (Vegan)

A Chinese dessert soup with medicinal properties, adapted to Indonesian tastes by adding pandan leaves, lemongrass and calamansi juice.

Sop Ayam Pak Min: Mr. Min’s Chicken Soup

This recipe is a recreation of Mr. Min’s Chicken Soup, a famous dish. Clear, light and refreshing — the perfect comfort food for a rainy day.

Trancam: Raw Vegetable Salad

A raw vegetable salad recipe from Central Java. Trancam makes for a quick and easy meal if you have sambal urap ready.

Perkedel Kentang: Fried Potato Patties

Recipe for Perkedel (begedil in Malay): a deep fried potato patty eaten as a side with rice and dishes or as a super fun snack.

Agar-Agar Santan Gula Jawa: Coconut Milk & Palm Sugar Agar Pudding (Vegan)

Recipe for a vegan dessert pudding made with agar, a gelling agent; flavoured with coconut milk (santan) and palm sugar (gula jawa).

Opor Ayam Kuning: Chicken in Turmeric & Coconut Milk

Opor ayam, or chicken simmered in turmeric and coconut milk, is a popular dish from Central Java. It is one of our favourite Eid recipes!

Urap: Javanese Steamed Vegetable Salad

A traditional recipe for Urap, a salad dish made from steamed vegetables mixed with sambal urap, or spiced grated coconut dressing.

Kolak Pisang: Banana and Coconut Milk Dessert Soup (Vegan)

Recipe for Kolak Pisang, a popular dessert soup of bananas boiled in coconut milk, palm sugar, and pandan leaves. A Ramadan favourite!
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A Must Try Recipe